White people must not give a damn about their digital footprint, particularly this man from Mississippi who posted a video to Facebook of himself attempting to run over a couple of Black kids riding their bikes. He was also heard using racial slurs toward the kids. According to Tippah County News, he may face a felony charge.
According to the video, obtained by Mississippi News Group, Mark Hall headed down a suburban road toward a group of teenagers riding their bikes in the street. You know, as typical kids do. Instead of just giving them a honk or saying “Get the hell out the way!” Mark kept driving at full speed and laughed “50 points!” behind the camera. The children dispersed to either side of the street to avoid getting hit.
“Stupid n****rs,” he said as he drove off. The circulation of the video sparked outrage in the neighborhood.
More on the incident from Action News 5:
“This is not tolerated anymore,” said parent Willie Hill. “We’re not brushing anything out of the rug. We’re not going to look the other way.”
“I moved out the way just in time,” said 15-year-old Carmello Thomas. “And then he just kept going and I saw him laugh.”
Thomas says this all happened Sunday afternoon while he and his friends were out riding bikes around their neighborhood.
The teens say the driver did hit one of their bikes.
“I think people like that should get what they deserve when they do stuff like this,” said parent Jimmy Brooks. “I don’t feel sorry for anyone who does stuff like this. And this community will not keep quiet about anything like that going on around here.”
Jimmy Brooks and other parents pressed charges against Hall. Reports say he’s been charged with nine counts of enhanced simple assault, one count for every teen he endangered. Ripley District Attorney Bart Adams told Tippah County News Hall might see an “enhancement” to his charges, meaning a hate crime felony charge.
“- A hate crime is not a separate charge. It’s an enhancement to the penalties of what the person is already charged with. We have to let the person know at the time they are being processed or our intention to seek that enhancement, and Mr. Hall has been notified that we are seeking that enhancement. All the parents have copies of the statutes and we’ve explained the process,” said Adams.