On Friday, Las Vegas police located the body of missing child Jade Morris near an outlet mall. According to USA Today, the 10-year-old was last seen going Christmas shopping with her father's ex-girlfriend, Brenda Stokes Wilson, on Dec. 21. Wilson, who is already in jail for charges of felony battery with a weapon, burglary and mayhem charges for slashing the face of a co-worker, is now also the lead suspect in the murder of Morris.
In court Friday morning, Wilson stood flanked by eight police officers as her lawyer, Tony Liker, clutching a Bible and a copy of the charging documents, asked the judge to postpone arraignment until Wednesday to give him time to meet with Wilson.
Wilson, who had been identified by police and prosecutors as Brenda Stokes, told the judge Friday that her full name was Brenda Stokes Wilson.
Jade's father, Philip Morris, was removed from court Wednesday by armed court officers after shouting questions about his daughter's whereabouts to Wilson. He did not attend Friday's hearing.
Read more at USA Today.