Miss Wisconsin USA Charged With Identity Theft, Loses Title

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Twenty-six year-old Shaletta Porterfield, Miss Wisconsin USA, resigned her position on Friday after being charged with three counts of identity fraud.

Porterfield allegedly faked the signatures of three business owners' contracts for advertising with a marketing company she worked for last summer. The businesses became suspicious when they were asked to approve ads that they did not recall buying or paying for.

Porterfield, who claims that she did not actually gain any money from her actions, plans to plead not guilty at her trial in July. Her attorney, Robert F. Nagel, says that his client acknowledges her mistakes but hopes to resolve the issue with a deferred prosecution agreement by early July.


"It's unfortunate, but she has a lot going for her, and she's ready to move on," Nagel said. Porterfield relinquished her Miss Wisconsin USA crown to avoid any possible embarrassment to the pageant.


Why in the world did it take an entire year for anyone to realize what she did? We're sad that Wisconsin lost one of the few black pagenat winners they've had.


Read more at Journal Sentinel.

In other news: Martelly Sworn in as Haiti's President.

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