Mike Pence Objected to the Plexiglass for Tonight's Debate. Now He’s Fine With It. Could It Have Anything to Do With Stephen Miller Testing Positive for Coronavirus?

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Workers install plexiglass barriers on the stage ahead of the vice presidential debate in Kingsbury Hall of the University of Utah October 6, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will face off in the 2020 vice presidential debate on Wednesday evening.
Workers install plexiglass barriers on the stage ahead of the vice presidential debate in Kingsbury Hall of the University of Utah October 6, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will face off in the 2020 vice presidential debate on Wednesday evening.
Photo: Alex Wong (Getty Images)

White America’s Vice President Mike Pence knows that he’s in trouble.

On Wednesday night, he has to sit across from a debate pitbull and explain all of the things that his administration has ruined—the handling of the coronavirus, the economy, the failure to reach a news stimulus deal, unemployment, the connection between the Popeyes chicken sandwich and the massive toilet paper shortage—Pence has got to answer for it all.

So Tuesday, Pence and his team started playing games with the plexiglass partitions that were already agreed upon for Wednesday’s vice presidential debate. Yep, Pence and his squad of sexless bandits really tried to have the plexiglass barrier removed from his side of the stage. That’s because the president of people who don’t cover their mouths when they cough has made an infectious disease into a bully and sees medical precautions like masks and shields as signs of weakness. So Pence didn’t mind if Democratic vice president nominee Kamala Harris had a barrier on her side, but sexless robot Mike Pence didn’t need no stinking barrier!


But something happened that might have turned the tide late Tuesday evening: Resident White House racist and white nationalist, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, who once went on national television with spray-painted hair, tested positive for the coronavirus. Now all of a sudden the plexiglass partition is fine.


I’ll let the Washington Post explain it.

The detente, however, came just as another complication hit the debate preparations when Trump aide Stephen Miller tested positive for the coronavirus. He is married to one of Pence’s top staffers, Katie Miller, who had traveled to Salt Lake City to help the vice president, potentially jeopardizing her involvement in the event.

She had previously been infected with the disease, and it was not clear what effect her husband’s diagnosis would have on the Pence entourage. The University of Utah, the site of the debate, has a policy requiring a 14-day self-quarantine for anyone exposed to someone with covid-19.


You’d think that the vice president would want to be cautious considering that the White House has become the latest COVID-19 hotspot with nearly a dozen a people in Trump’s orbit testing positive for the virus, but that would require empathy and sensitivity and unless Pence’s motherboard has been updated, he’s merely Trump’s programmable robot.

So the plexiglass is set, and the debate is on and we can all tune in Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET and watch Pence get the shit beat out of him.