Mike Pence Left the Colt-49ers Game Because He’s a Messy Bitch Who Lives for Drama

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I’m not sure how puppet Vice President Mike Pence was able to leave Lucas Oil Stadium with the president’s tiny hand shoved that far up his ass, but I’m sure he’s used to being played for a fool.

It’s in his job description. There is a stipulation in his vice presidential contract that requires him to do fuckboy shit on command and at the leisure of the president. And make no mistake about it: Having the vice president fly from Las Vegas—where he was supposedly honoring the victims of the recent despicable mass shooting that took more than 50 lives—to Indiana in order to stage preplanned faux outrage over players kneeling during the national anthem at the Indianapolis Colts-San Francisco 49ers game might make him the national spokesperson for fuckboys.

So every hot take that you’ve read since the planned protest by the vice president that criticizes his foolishness is right. All of them. And the right is doing a bang-up job in making the argument about the flag, no matter how much those on the left, those protesting and those writing consistently have explained that kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with patriotism. When the president is the king of selective hearing loss, it’s only right that his second-in-command be willing to turn off his hearing when told to.


The president and Pence know exactly what they’re doing. They are riling up their base, shifting the argument and wading into the fake-outrage pool all on the taxpayers’ dime.


You would think that an administration that’s already come under fire for taking private planes on the taxpayers’ dime wouldn’t spend more than $200,000 just to stage a fake protest.


Here’s how CNN describes the cost of Pence’s publicity stunt:

Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground):

According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence’s flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000.

Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500.

The grand total: about $242,500.

It’s embarrassing to see those who unabashedly support this administration and its ridiculous antics, but I must admit that I’m actually enjoying the levels to which this administration will stoop to continue to troll America.


And who needs football when one can enjoy the sport of watching lifelong Republicans defend this shit?

Read more at CNN.