The pure irony of Mike Epps’ being busted on Twitter goes back to some of Epps’ own jokes about his wife taking his cellphone away and going through it. So no one knows why Epps tried to sneak into the direct messages of some random woman on Twitter.
Epps tweeted a woman after she complained about spoilers. Take a look at the conversation below:
And then enters Epps’ wife, Mechelle, for the win Monday night, on some “Whatchu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”:
Presumably after a side conversation between Epps and his wife, this happened:
Of course, this was just the laugh Twitter needed:
Is there a lesson to be learned from all of this? Sure there is. Streets are watching. Don’t attempt to holler at a woman on social media when you’re married. And if you do, remember, in California, everything is 50-50 in a divorce after 10 years of marriage. In other words, it’s not even worth it.