A Pennsylvania middle school teacher has been placed on administrative leave after she graciously offered a black parent an n-word-laced parking lot lecture about how “niggers” milk the welfare system and stereotype poor, pickup-driving white women in a viral video.
The incident allegedly took place after the unnamed teacher (I’m sure we can think of something) and a parent, Rasheed Noel, were involved in a minor car accident as he dropped his child off at Drexel Middle School in Drexel Hill, Penn. According to WPVI, after a brief exchange, Noel began recording video of the incident and uploaded the footage to Facebook. The teacher is shown attending to her Chevy pickup, which is the official vehicle for MAGA educators who scream the n-word in parking lots. (Racism is heavy, so bigots need a lot of towing capacity.)
“You’re probably on welfare, too,” screams Ku Klux Karen as she wipes the bumper of her burgundy hate-mobile. Noel informs her that he makes six figures, causing steam to rise from Meghan Thee Racist’s ponytail as it hangs on to her air-filled head for dear life.
“Not even a little bit,” Noel responds, “Six figures a year, ma’am. It’s because I’m young and I’m black, the reason why you would say that.”
“That’s right, because you’re black,” howls the ponytail-wearing princess of prejudice. “Always looking to milk the system. And you see me, a white woman, so you think I have money.”
“Go back to your welfare Section 8 house,” she continued, before adding, “Go fuck off, you nigger.”
Upper Darby School District Superintendent Daniel McGarry confirmed that the teacher is now on administrative leave without pay, CNN reports. McGarry added that the teacher in question has been working at the school since 2008 and can elect to have her case arbitrated.
After the footage went viral, the Upper Darby School District issued a statement that read, in part:
Upper Darby School District has investigated an incident in which a teacher in one of our middle schools made racially charged remarks to a parent of a student who attends the school. The Principal of Drexel Hill Middle School contacted central office when he was made aware of the exchange. I met with the parent to review and discuss the incident. The parent reported that during morning drop off on Oct. 10, 2019, he and a teacher were involved in a car accident in the parking lot of Drexel Hill Middle School and that the teacher proceeded to make several racial and other derogatory remarks to him. The video of this incident has been posted to Facebook.
We took this report very seriously. As a result of the investigation, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation. We intend to vigorously address this issue...
The behavior, language, and treatment of one of our parents are not in keeping with our expectations of our teachers and staff. The comments and actions made by this teacher do not align with our core beliefs of Opportunity, Unity, and Excellence.
In a separate interview with The Root, Taylor Not-So-Swift’s ponytail read a statement that said in part.:
As the only white part of KKKaren’s entire hairdo, I accept all responsibility for the incident that happened on April 10. As you can tell from the video, I was in a bad place that day. For weeks, this so-called educated “Klanswoman” has held me hostage on top of her empty brain. I have begged her to roll the windows down in that pickup truck because it’s hard for me to breathe when I am constantly drunk on dollar store peroxide and choked by this Office Max rubberband.
I blame T.I.
I whispered to my homey in the cerebral cortex that we might be able to get someone to slap the shit out of her, which might free me from this oppressive ponytail prison and knock some sense into KKKaren’s pea brain. Had I been bound with a scrunchy, or even a hairpin, things might have been different. While I know the event seems heinous, my actions were caused by a desire to be free.
According to Niche, the suburban Pennsylvania school district where the woman teaches is 46 percent black, 28 percent white, 14.9 percent Asian and 7.5 percent Hispanic. However, there is absolutely no evidence that this n-word-spewing educator who obviously harbors racist views contributes to the disproportionate punishment of black boys and girls, the school-to-prison pipeline or school violence against students.
Ku Klux Karen’s hair is 17 percent blonde.