Police in Flint, Mich. are on the lookout for two men who are accused of fatally shooting a Family Dollar security guard on Friday after he asked a woman to put on a mask before entering the store.
Michigan has an executive order requiring members of the public to wear masks in enclosed spaces like grocery stores, pharmacies and restaurants until the end of May.
In a news conference on Monday, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton said witnesses saw a woman arguing with the security guard, Calvin Munerlyn, about wearing a mask. Surveillance cameras then captured the woman driving to a nearby apartment building and returning to the store with two men, Edward Teague Jr. and Ramonyea Bishop, shortly after. Witnesses told police that the men accused the security guard of disrespecting the woman and then shot him in the head.
All three have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder as well as violations of the executive order now in place in Michigan. The two men are still at large, but prosecutors say they have the female suspect, Charmelle Teague, in custody.
The family of the deceased security guard is now in mourning, NBC25News reports.
From NBC25News:
Demonte is Calvin’s oldest son and says his dad was always a protector, taking his job very seriously.
“He always done security, he’s done security in night clubs in the worst of the worst nightclubs and nobody still ever just thought to do my baby like that,” his wife Latryna Munerlyn said.
“When I found out what happened to him, it really broke my heart because I know what kind of person he was,” Police Commissioner Bryant Noelden said at the press conference. He added that Munerlyn would sometimes join dance classes with elderly residents at a senior housing facility in their community.
Munerlyn’s family has set up a GoFundMe page to assist with his funeral expenses.