Apparently on an episode of The View (they still make those?), Mike Huckabee appeared and theorized in his book that Jay-Z was pimping out Beyoncé. As in, Bey's sexual expression freedom was not because she's an independent woman and all'at, but because Jay was making her do something she apparently doesn't need to do: express herself sexually.
Michelle Williams was having NONE of that. She laid the smackdown on Huckabee, letting him know that — no, boo-boo - Bey is actually finally expressing herself as she truly is instead of trying to uphold some "good girl" image so BYE, HUCKABEELICIA. Not a direct quote.
Michelle also made it clear that she's not a spokesperson for the Carters (which, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't need one for his comment since they're probably somewhere in Atlantis not giving a fuck about his comments), but she just wanted to defend her sister-friend.
Moral of the story, don't come for Michelle or her peoples. Because Michelle is a survivor (WHAT!), she gon' survive (WHAT!), keep on survivin' (WHAT!).
Roll Call is a daily collection of interesting news stories, articles, blogs, and thinkpieces, curated by Tonja Stidhum and Natalie Degraffinried. They both have big hair, but they are not the same person.