Michelle Obama graced the world with her presence at Wednesday night’s ESPY Awards looking absolutely flawless. The former first lady was on hand to posthumously present Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, and she received a standing ovation.
“I am here tonight to honor a remarkable woman. A woman who believed everyone has something to contribute and everyone deserves to push themselves to find out what they’re made of and to compete and win,” the former first lady said.
Obama, who was dressed in a cutout black dress by Cushnie et Ochs, received accolades from Shriver’s son Tim, who pretty much stated how we all feel about Obama: “Once a great first lady, still a great first lady.”
“Our mother would have loved you,” he said. “She would have loved your forthrightness, your honesty, your toughness, your commitment also to get everybody on the playing field. She would have been so honored that you are here for her tonight as we all are.”
We all love Michelle!