(The Root) — It's almost like MTV Cribs is back. Yay.
On Sunday, Oct. 27, first lady Michelle Obama will partner with Instagram to bring us the White House Fall Garden Social, a digital and in-person meetup that includes a private tour of the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, the Rose Garden and the White House Kitchen Garden.
In-person space is limited, but rare photos of the grounds will be posted on Instagram for those of us who can't make it.
Interested in going? Apply for your chance to attend in person at whitehouse.gov/social. From the White House: "Let your friends know that you applied by posting a nature or garden photo that you've taken on Instagram using the hashtag #WHInstaMeet."
Do it now, because you don't have much time. If selected, you'll be notified no later than Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 6 pm ET.
What part of the White House do you want to see most? Tweet us at @TheRoot247.
If you want to see what's hot on black Twitter, check out The Chatterati.Akoto Ofori-Atta is the editor of The Grapevine. Like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.