New Yorker Magazne's new cover depicts the First Lady walking the runway, and some are crying foul, saying focusing on her fashion diminshes her role. Me? I don't know that it gets at her in any substantive way, but substance never seems to be the point of writing about the Obamas lately.
Although some will see it, I don't see any racism here, but like alot of what I'm reading about President Obama's hair and what not, it's frivolous. I can't recall a first couple being scrutinized so hard or with such malice, about anything. Or, as in this case, nothing.
I didn't see any racism in the New Yorker's last infamous Obama cover, and I don't see any here. What do you think? Do yuou like it, or is there some subtext to it that should cause alarm?
Single Father, Author, Screenwriter, Award-Winning Journalist, NPR Moderator, Lecturer and College Professor. Habitual Line-Stepper