The word is out, the king is gone: International music icon Michael Jackson died today after being rushed to a Los Angeles hospital following a sudden heart failure. No doubt more details will emerge as the story plays out in California, but initial speculation suggests that the 50-year old Jackson may have overtrained for a string of London-based concerts set to begin July 13.
A deserved swirl of obituaries and tributes are on their way. Many of these commentaries, no doubt, will focus on both the art and the artist—the history-making musical triumphs that saw Jackson and his brothers inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, as well as the youngest Jackson's troubled and eccentric life in the public eye.
As these reflections—and recriminations—trickle in, it's worth remembering the suddenly ironic opening lines to "I Want You Back," arguably the band of brothers' most memorable hit. In this early performance of the mega-hit, Jackson sings: "When I had you to myself I didn't want you around…"
The WASHINGTON POST has posted a timeline of Jackson's career, and the LOS ANGELES TIMES, which has been doing crackerjack reporting on this tragic event as it unfolds, has a photo gallery of Jackson's life.
More videos:
"Scream," 1994
"Remember the Time," 1992
"Billie Jean," 1982
Which is your favorite jam?
Covers the White House and Washington for The Root. Follow her on Twitter.