Michael Brown’s Friend Suing Officer Who Shot Brown for $25,000

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Dorian Johnson, the only person who was with unarmed teen Michael Brown when he was fatally shot by then-Police Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo., was arrested Wednesday on drug-related charges and suspicion of resisting arrest—not long after he filed a lawsuit against Wilson, the New York Daily News reports.

In the lawsuit, Johnson claims that Wilson targeted him without probable cause when he and Brown were both stopped Aug. 9—the same stop that led to Brown’s death.  

In the lawsuit, Johnson claims that Wilson “acted with either deliberate indifference and/or reckless disregard toward” him, the Daily News explains. Johnson is suing for $25,000 and says that he suffered emotional pain during the encounter with Wilson.


A grand jury decided not to indict Wilson for fatally shooting Brown. Brown’s death sparked a series of protests across the nation to condemn the police killings of unarmed African Americans. 

Read more at the New York Daily News.