One year after unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by Darren Wilson, a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., family and activists gathered Sunday to commemorate the shooting that touched off a movement against police violence.
Scores gathered Sunday to participate in 4.5 minutes of silence and a silent march to Greater St. Mark's church, according to the Associated Press. The march was scheduled to get started just before noon at the site where the now-former officer gunned down Brown on Aug. 9, 2014. "A grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice declined to prosecute Wilson, who resigned in November," writes the news outlet.
The events are among several this weekend in Ferguson and nearby St. Louis.
The still-grieving Michael Brown Sr., Brown's father, led a march of about 100 people on Saturday. He called for a nonviolent weekend. "I want to have a peaceful weekend," said Brown, according to KSDK. "No drama, no stupidity."
In a recent NPR interview at the White House, part of which aired Sunday, President Barack Obama told Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep that had Ferguson flared up in his first term, he would have addressed it, brushing back criticism that he failed to address issues of race during that term because of politics.
"That I don't buy," Obama told NPR."I think it's fair to say that if, in my first term, Ferguson had flared up, as president of the United States, I would have been commenting on what was happening in Ferguson."