Six Michigan high school students have been suspended after school officials were alerted to photos posted on social media that showed some of them with the n-word written across their stomachs, Fox 2 Detroit reports.
According to the news station, students at Grosse Pointe South High School who reportedly told school officials about the photos were threatened for snitching.
"The threats were basically around the whole idea of snitches and why did you tell on these four?" Grosse Point Public School System Superintendent Gary Niehaus told Fox 2. Niehuas added that the pictures were taken at a party off campus over the weekend.
All four students in the pictures and two students allegedly engaging in the threatening behavior have been suspended for five days, Fox 2 reports.
"I think that they should be suspended, but I also think that there should be more discussion about it and discussion about racial awareness," Phelan Johnson, a student at the high school, told the news station.
School officials told Fox 2 that police are also looking into the incident and that a letter was sent home to parents informing them of what took place.
Read more at Fox 2 Detroit.