The music and accompanying videos released this week all have one thing in common: they all follow some form of expression and aspiration. Music has always been a way for people–artists and listeners alike–to express and identify with themselves while still inspiring listeners to follow their dreams. Those dreams can be more “acid trippy,” leaving you dizzy in the wake of the experience, or, they can represent something that is longed for, perhaps a particular a type of love. From the lyrics to the composition and even the visuals, music is made to both express feelings and create empathy.
Take one of the most recent cultural phenomenons, for example: Lil Nas X’s Montero (Call Me By Your Name).” It has received backlash, if that’s even the proper word for it, since people are just losing it over this video. But on the flip side, there are people who see this video as something they can actually relate to—well, maybe not the pole dancing into Hell, but the message behind it. It honestly feels like something you’d dream up in your sleep, and woke wondering, “What the hell?”
OK, so maybe Hell is a bit extreme—that being said, the warmer weather and sunnier days of the changing seasons don’t always mean happiness (though I would like to hope they do). Bren Joy’s “Insecure” is a beautiful, sunny, yellow music video offset with a slow and longing R&B love song. With love on our minds, Brittney Crush’s “Window” gives all of the bright and funky ‘80s vibes while still exploring themes of love and longing.
And of course, there are the dreams of artists like Big Sean and Vic Mensa, who have been in the rap and hip hop game for quite some time, using their respective platforms to bring awareness to important issues while still allowing their music to be a safe place to express themselves and invite listeners.