Miami-Dade Judge Recognizes Middle School Classmate in Her Courtroom, Meets Up With Him After His Release

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Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer had a happy reunion with her former middle school classmate Arthur Booth as Booth walked free after serving a brief jail sentence, the New York Daily News reports

According to the report, last summer it was Glazer who recognized Booth after he appeared before her in bond court on burglary charges. 

“Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?” the judge asked Booth, now 49, whom she hadn’t seen in decades. 


“This was the nicest kid in middle school; he was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids, and look what has happened,” she said, according to NBC Miami.


Booth ended up spending about 10 months in jail, and on Tuesday he was released into a drug-treatment program. After coming out of court following his release, Booth hugged Glazer, who was waiting on him to encourage him.


“Take care of your family. Try to get a job. Stay clean,” Glazer told Booth. “You’re going to do something good for somebody else.”

“She’s an inspiration and a motivation to me right now. Mindy is incredible,” Booth told CBS Miami. “’Cause I know where I could’ve been, but I’m not giving up on life.”