Memphis KKK Rally Prompts City to Ban Masks

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A scheduled Ku Klux Klan rally in Memphis, Tenn., has prompted the City Council to change an ordinance on parades and public assemblies that bans masks for the purpose of civil rights intimidation, the Daily News reports.

The KKK's Loyal White Knights are calling on other branches to join its March 30 protest against the city council's move to change the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, the Guardian reported

The city council voted on Tuesday to change the city's ordinance on parades and public assemblies in response to the rally. The proposal would outlaw the wearing of masks "for the purpose of civil rights intimidation" and require groups from outside Memphis to pay for extra police security at public assemblies. 

The last KKK rally held in Memphis sparked a counter rally, which saw the arrest of 20 people. Police also fired tear gas to break up a crowd in the 1998 incident.

Several groups within the city say they are not planning a response to the rally.

Read more at the Daily News. 
