Melania Trump says she has never heard her husband use the kind of language he is heard using in a 2005 video, and she questions the integrity of the women who have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.
“I believe my husband. I believe my husband,” she said in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday. "This was all organized from the opposition. And with the details … did they ever check the background of these women? They don't have any facts."
For the last 10 days, Donald Trump has been caught up in a whirlwind of negative media attention. As The Root previously reported, on Oct. 7 the Washington Post released a 2005 Access Hollywood video showing the Republican presidential candidate having a lewd and misogynistic conversation about women with Billy Bush, former co-host of the Today show. Last week, multiple women came forward and accused the Republican presidential candidate of the very type of sexual misconduct he bragged about in the 2005 video.
Melania Trump faced the camera to defend her husband, saying that she had never heard him use the kind of language he is heard using in the Access Hollywood video. She told Cooper that she felt her husband had been “egged on” by Bush to say “dirty and bad stuff.” She likened her husband’s antics to those of a teenage boy.
"I heard many different stuff—boys talk," she said. "The boys, the way they talk when they grow up and they want to sometimes show each other, ‘Oh, this and that’ and talking about the girls.”
Melania Trump says that she knows her husband respects women, and she said that he apologized to her for what he said on the tape.
"I accept his apology. I hope the American people will accept it as well. And it was many, many years ago. He's not the man that I know," she said.
Read more and see the interview on CNN.