Megan Thee Stallion has reportedly been robbed. According to the police account obtained by TMZ, the Hot Girl Coach’s house was broken into on Thursday, October 13 in Los Angeles by two hooded and gloved individuals. It’s reported that sometime overnight, the pair of thieves smashed in a glass door towards the back of her home, gaining them access to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of goods. Fortunately the rapper was not home at the time of the burglary, as she is currently in New York City preparing for her SNL hosting gig.
The robbers made their way throughout the home, making a stop in Megan’s bedroom where they apparently took a number of high value items including jewelry, electronics, and cash, amassing somewhere near $300,000 to $400,000 of stolen property.
“Wow,” The Stallion tweeted on Friday.
“Material things can be replaced but I’m glad everyone is safe,” the star added.
Our strong knee champion of the world has had a hell of a year. Between ongoing battles with her label, to the (seemingly) never ending court case between her and everybody’s favorite under the bridge crooner Tory Lanez, Megan can’t catch a break, but according to another recent tweet, she plans to take one, and soon.
“Hotties im really sorry but after SNL I really gotta take a break I’m so tired, physically and emotionally,” she writes to her fans.
And who wouldn’t be after being violated in such a way? Sadly, the Houston Hottie is not the only celebrity to be targeted in recent years. Stars like Marlo Hampton, Mariah Carey, and perhaps most famously, Kim Kardashian, have all been victims. Apparently celeb vacation homes aren’t even safe, as Gigi Hadid also had her Mykonos villa broken into in 2019.
As for our girl Megan however, we’re glad that she’s safe and claiming the rest she deserves. We’ll also be supporting her SNL hosting debut, tonight on NBC.