Outside of Megan Thee Stallion and Tory Lanez, maybe the most critical witness in this felony trial spoke on Wednesday when she took the witness stand to testify about what happened the night the Houston rapper was allegedly shot.
Since the alleged shooting that occurred in the summer of 2020, Megan Thee Stallion’s former assistant and ex-friend Kelsey Harris has been quiet, neither speaking to the media nor sharing her thoughts on any social media accounts. This seems odd, considering she’s the only one outside of Megan and Lanez who allegedly witnessed the shooting.
According to Rolling Stone, when Harris arrived at the Los Angeles courtroom with her attorney, Daniel A. Nardoni, he said his client planned to assert her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Determining that she had legitimate concerns, the prosecuting attorneys offered her “use immunity” for her testimony, which she accepted and was sworn in as a witness.
While on the witness stand, Harris said that the statement she gave to the prosecution three months ago where she claimed that Lanez threatened to shoot her while they were in the SUV together was “not accurate” and that she used that statement to protect herself.
Per Rolling Stone, the recorded statement she made months ago to prosecutors also stated that she saw Lanez aim a gun toward Megan in a “downward direction,” but said during her testimony that she did not witness the shooting.
When confronted by Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta about why she changed course on her previous statements, Kelsey claimed to have gone through a lot of personal issues since September when the recorded statement was taken, including anxiety, postpartum issues and the death of a close friend.
From Rolling Stone:
But Harris did own up to sending the three lines of text messages to Megan’s bodyguard that read, “Help / Tory shot meg / 911,” within five minutes of the shooting. She said it was based on “assumptions.”
Despite repeatedly asking Ta to repeat questions and saying she was “zoning out” on the witness stand, Harris was adamant she never touched the gun, so it was preposterous for the defense to claim she’s the one who opened fire on Megan, wounding the “Savage” rapper in both feet during the roadside dispute two years ago.
“I mean, it’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous,” Harris testified in the courtroom in downtown Los Angeles — a day after Megan told jurors she saw Lanez point the gun at her and fire.
During her time on the witness stand, Harris also aimed a few shots toward Megan, claiming that the Traumazine rapper “painted a picture” that she betrayed her and took money from people who wanted her to be quiet, according to Rolling Stone.
When asked if there were allegations that she was the one who shot Megan, Harris said they were “ridiculous.”
Per Rolling Stone, Harris also explained what her relationship was like with Lanez, saying that Megan attempted to set the two up and they “engaged” in a relationship. But, once she caught COVID, she stayed in her hometown of Houston for two to three months. She believes that the relationship between Megan and Lanez began while she was recovering in Houston.
Eventually, Harris began to describe her side of the story, detailing what led up to the alleged shooting on the night of July 12, 2020.
During her testimony, she described everyone having fun at Kylie Jenner’s house party, except Megan who seemed a “little off” and drunk to her. When asked how Lanez was acting, Harris said he was flirting with Kylie.
More from Rolling Stone:
Harris testified once Megan said she was ready to leave, the two women departed with Peterson’s driver, leaving Peterson behind. (When Megan testified Tuesday, she disputed this detail, saying Peterson’s driver refused to leave the property without his client.)
Harris said soon after she and Megan left Jenner’s house the first time, Megan told the driver she forgot a “slipper,” so they returned.
She said Megan went inside alone, and “apparently a fight or something happened.”
“She rushed out with Tory,” she testified. “She was like, ‘Bitch, Kylie said we got to get the fuck out.’ I was like, ‘I’m confused.’”
She said the trio then climbed into Peterson’s Cadillac Escalade with the driver, Jauquan Smith, where everyone started arguing.
According to Rolling Stone, without getting specific, Harris said the argument in the car continued and that there was much back and forth and name-calling between the three companions.
Harris also recalled Lanez asking Megan why she hasn’t told her about their intimate relationship together. Once Lanez said that, Harris said she was upset and confused about what she just heard since she and Lanez had an intimate relationship with each other in the past.
Per Rolling Stone, when asked about her recorded interview with the prosecution, Harris did admit to telling them that Lanez threatened to shoot her. But, she refused to detail what he did and said, opting instead to invoke her fifth amendment right.
With Harris expected to take the witness stand again on Thursday, look for her to possibly give (or not give) more details on what happened the night Megan was allegedly shot. If her testimony can corroborate Megan’s story, then a conviction may come down for Tory Lanez.
But until then, we’ll have to wait and see.