Apparently, racist organizations have the same philosophy as Alabama football and R. Kelly: “Get them while they’re young.” One of the newest players in the league of white supremacist groups has been spotted on campuses around the country, calling itself a “fraternal organization,” attempting to solicit white college students into its ranks, because you know what they say:
“Once you go white, your chicken will taste like it was boiled in cabbage water, you’ll dance like you’re being tased and you’ll have sex at the tempo of a jackrabbit on meth.” (They really need to work on their sayings.)
While they probably won’t win the next step show, Identity Evropa is one of the up-and-coming white nationalist groups that has been making some noise on the hate charts. Their chant “You will not replace us” could be heard at the Charlottesville, Va., Unite the Right tiki-torch prerally hoedown, and they have one of the biggest pledge classes in the country.
Remember Peter Cvjetanovic, the white University of Nevada, Reno, student caught screaming as if he were midorgasm after a lubricated swastika was shoved up his anus? Remember how he said, “I am not the angry racist they see in that photo”?
Look closely at Cvjetanovic’s shirt. Can you see the little triangular symbol? That’s called the “Dragon’s Eye.” It is the logo of Identity Evropa. Their website (no, we aren’t linking to it) says it is an ancient European symbol and describes it as such:
The triangle represents the threat that we as a people are facing. The “y” inside represents the choice that we have to make between good and evil. It is a symbol of protection that will grant us succor against the ongoing evil that seeks to destroy truth.
Identity Evropa is one of the fastest-growing hate groups in America because, while other white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads and neo-Nazis exist under the shadow of secrecy, IE is proud of its hate-filled legacy. It walks in the sunlight. It is unapologetically white.
And it is looking for a few good men.
The organization is one of the new breeds of “alt-right” groups that are openly recruiting young people to the Identitarian movement. One of the group’s most brazen strategies is to go on college campuses and solicit white men to join.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, Identity Evropa distributed flyers and literature on 65 campuses in 2016, and its posters and flyers have already been spotted at more than a dozen colleges in the first few weeks of the 2017-2018 school year. Using catchphrases like “Our generation, our future, our last chance” and “Action. Leadership. Identity,” the group has streamlined a process called “#ProjectSiege” geared toward indoctrinating young people.
Identity Evropa calls #ProjectSiege “the beginning of a long term cultural war of attrition” and outlines how its brainwashing process works. It begins with innocuous conversations and gauging to see if the young person is left- or right-leaning. The Project Siege explanation says:
By approaching students with basic questions we build rapport as well as discover where he stands on the basic issues. Knowing a student’s general outlook allows us to begin unpacking the assumptions he’s harboring. A student leaning towards right wing political ideology may be approached from the standpoint of immigration and how it effects the issues important to him. Gun control, free speech, small government and low taxes are all effected by both legal and illegal immigration. Furthermore, pointing out that these are all parts of white American culture not shared by the rest of the world help develop a new sense of identity. On the flip side, a left leaning student who is concerned with universal health coverage, global warming, and community cohesion can be educated about how diversity destroys social currency, and mass immigration into first world nations only increases our massive carbon output.
If it sounds like a mix between Scientology, a pimp recruiting teenagers at a Greyhound terminal and the little girls trying to sell Girl Scout Cookies in front of Walmart (I never got my motherfucking Thin Mints, Sarah! That’s right, I’m calling you out!), that’s because it is.
Branding itself as a “fraternal organization for people of European heritage,” the group does not allow members to wear facial hair, although its bylaws do not mention anything about the use of seasoning being forbidden.
The list of colleges that #ProjectSiege has already paid recruiting visits to includes Arizona State University, Bates College, University of Alabama at Birmingham, California State San Marcos, Cuyamaca Community College, Evergreen State College, Florida Atlantic University, Georgia State University, Ohio State, Oregon State University, Palomar Community College, Portland Community College, Portland State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, San Diego State University, San Jose State University, Southern Methodist University, St. Louis University, Texas Christian University, University of California, Davis, University of California, Irvine, UCLA, University of Houston, University of Rochester, University of San Francisco, University of Texas, University of Washington, University of North Texas and Western Washington University.
The group hosts parties and events on and off campuses, although the music is probably shitty, and I would not recommend eating the potato salad. Identity Evropa hopes to have chapters on every college campus in the near future, but if the tiki-torch gathering in Charlottesville was any indication of what this “fraternal organization” has to offer, I can only tell you one thing:
Their probate shows suck.
Read more at the Anti-Defamation League.