Meet The Root 100

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The Root 100 is a newly minted honor intended to celebrate the leadership, service and excellence of African-American men and women whose passion, dedication and innovative work have set them apart. The Root 100 is the manifestation of a core component of The Root’s mission—to bring to light people and ideas who are quietly having an impact on our lives and our communities.

The list contains some well-known names—Jay-Z and Tavis Smiley, for example—as well as some you may not have heard of. There is Jerry Bias, a winemaker from Baltimore who has set up a vineyard in the unlikely wine region of Central Virginia. He is a new kind of entrepreneur whose labors in the vineyard are paying off to wide acclaim. And then there is Steven Horsford, 36, the majority leader of the Nevada State Senate. He stands at the front of America’s new generation of leaders.

Going forward, there will be a Root 100 every year, but this first class, obviously, will always be a special one. We hope you enjoy meeting them all, and we guarantee you will find their stories inspiring. Click here to meet The Root 100.