Meet the New Face of Fashion Fair

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Meet the new face of Fashion Fair: Ebony has an interview with Amanda Nassali Kiggundu, who was a Starbucks barista in Los Angeles when she was discovered by Johnson Publishing Co. CEO Desiree Rogers.

Abortionist's "ugly black babies" already used by pro-life movement: This has to be the most vile story of the week, in part because of this doctor's videotaped commentary, and in part because of the way it's being manipulated by those who oppose a woman's right to choose.

How Olympic bodies have changed: Do they make Olympians like they used to? Not really, but it's not always a bad thing when it comes to having the right physique to break records. Check out the cool infographic at NPR.


Belafonte slams Jay-Z and Beyoncé: These two definitely haven't done the work on behalf of the black community or human rights worldwide that the venerable singer and actor has. But is publicly condemning them the best way to inspire action?