I love when a hot-ass song by sexy-voiced Future is also a cry to rip the sheets off racists.
In what was clearly a not-so-great day yesterday, my rainbow at the end of this hollow, seemingly unending, dark-ass tunnel is that those fools who marched and maimed and killed in the name of white supremacy will hopefully be exposed for the racists they are. And, not only that—face the appropriate consequences.
If these white supremacist fucktards are now so bold as to walk without hoods, maybe they don’t care. Should we?
Last night, there were calls on social media to identify some of the men marching in the vigil at the University of Virginia on Friday night.
And thanks to the continued work of Twitter user @YesYoureRacist, some of them have already faced the fallout.
One, apparently a University of Nevada-Reno student (the very same school Colin Kaepernick attended as an undergrad, by the way) seemed surprised that his photo has been shared so much, according to KTVN.
“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” says 20-year-old Peter Cvjetanovic. “But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.” Uh-huh.
I can admit there is some danger in this. An actual University of Arkansas professor was misidentified from a photo yesterday, and a Change.org petition (since removed) had to retract its call to have said employee removed from its employ.
But I say if anyone has actual RECEIPTS, do your part and expose the racists today. It’s the least you can do as you sit behind your computer filled with indignant rage and in relative safety. (By the way—that misidentified dude was correctly identified later.)
It’s time to take the #MaskOff, hoods off, gloves off ... I’m here for all of it.