God speaks to you in many ways. Sometimes it’s through a burning bush, and other times it’s through 14-year-old Marsai Martin.
Last night, while minding my black-ass business and on the phone with a close friend, I was complaining about my inability to approach a guy who I find attractive at my gym. We affectionately call him #GymBae.
Now, you don’t know this, but normally I’m the kind of guy who pounces on whatever it is I want. My approach to dating is like a lion during feeding time in the Serengeti. It’s savage, yet effective. But somehow, when it comes to this particular individual, I’ve become meek and mild. Maybe I’ve developed the ability to be shy—or maybe this is gas holding me back. We’ll go with gas?
Anyway, while strumming my own pain with my fingers to my homie, she directed me to a tweet by Martin that hit me in the chest. Actually, it grabbed me by the collar and told me to get my shit together.
“If you don’t ask for what you want, then the answer will always be no,” Martin tweeted. Who told this small child my business? Why is my good sis putting my business out there on these Twitter streets?!
After reading this post, it reminded me of the African American proverb that states “closed mouths don’t get fed on this boulevard.” Martin was out here doing God’s work and ministered to my soul. It was at that point that the doors of the church opened and I laid my burdens down by the riverside. Did I do a sprint for Christ? Possibly.
Coincidentally, this biblical word from Martin came just after I watched her new film Little, which made her the youngest executive producer in history. If she’s producing films and dropping chicken soup for my homosexual soul at 14, I am pretty sure this child will take over the world at 20.