Americans are becoming a little less uptight about marijuana these days. After recently polling 824 adults, CNN found that 41 percent favored legalizing recreational marijuana, while 56 percent were against it.
The Pew Research Center conducted its own survey of 1,504 adults and found that 45 percent supported legalization and 50 percent opposed. The surveys found that demographics played a large role on where an individual stood on the issue.
Nonwhites, individuals under the age of 50, college graduates and higher-income individuals were more likely to be for the legalization; those with a high school education or less, with a lower income and older than 50 were more likely to oppose the legalization. The survey did not ask respondents about medical marijuana, which typically has a higher level of support.
The state of California came close to legalizing recreational marijuana last year with Proposition 19. The bill, however, failed 53.5 percent to 46.5 percent. Polls conducted after voting suggested that anti-marijuana campaigns may have had a major impact on the public's opinion. When it comes to politics, independents and Democrats were more likely than Republicans to back legalization, which isn't too surprising.
Would legal marijuana really be a horrible thing for America? The sales could definitely boost a state's economy and keep a great deal of black men out of jail. We just need California to lead the way. The state already has medical marijuana, so it's just a matter of time before they pass a law legalizing recreational use. When that day comes, we're sure that California can expect to see a jump in tourism.
Read more at the Huffington Post.
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