Marco Rubio Blasts Obama: We Already Have a President With No Class

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It seems as if Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) thinks that President Barack Obama and fellow presidential contender Donald Trump are two peas in the same pod when it comes to class or a lack thereof.

The junior Florida senator took a shot at business mogul Trump during a Fox & Friends appearance, saying that while he agreed that illegal immigration was an issue, Trump wasn’t the man to address it.

“Here’s what’s so important to me: The presidency of the United States is not just the top government official. It is the leader of our people and our nation as well,” Rubio said.


“To conduct the presidency, it has to be done in a dignified way, with a level of class,” the presidential hopeful added. “I don’t think the way he’s behaved over the last few weeks is either dignified or worthy of [the] office he seeks.”


Then, Rubio turned on Obama, taking a dig at the sitting president.

“We already have a president now that has no class,” Rubio said. “I mean, we have a president now that does selfie-stick videos, that invites YouTube stars there, people who eat cereal out of a bathtub … he goes on comedy shows to talk about something as serious as Iran. The list goes on and on.”


Yes. Because taking part in selfie-stick videos is basically the same thing as labeling an entire country of people rapists and drug lords.

At any rate, Rubio wrapped up his comments by saying there needs to be a presidency that “restores dignity and class” to the White House, before declaring that “some of the language” that Trump has been using just won’t do.


Watch the exchange below: