A black Florida man, Bobby Wingate, is suing the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office after a deputy cited him for "walking down the wrong side of the road" during stop, then punched him in the face last December, according to the Raw Story. The deputy was unable to defend the citation when the case appeared in court.
First Coast News reported on Monday that Bobby Wingate was cited by an officer for "walking down the wrong side of the road" during the stop, then punched in the face. When the officer pulled out his Tazer, Wingate called 911 to protect himself …
Wingate was arrested, charged with resisting arrest without violence and walking down the wrong side of the road and brought to trial. But in court, the officer testified he was not sure what side of the road Wingate was on, prompting the judge to dismiss the case. Wingate has since filed a civil suit against the department.
Read more at the Raw Story.