Majority of Americans View NRA Favorably

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National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre's recent press conference in response to the Newtown, Conn., massacre, in which he called for armed guards in every school in the U.S., apparently hasn't damaged his organization's reputation.

The Daily News reports that a new USA Today/Gallup poll shows a majority of people still support the organization, although a large percentage also said that the NRA doesn't always reflect their views.

The poll found that 54% of Americans view the NRA favorably, while 38% have an unfavorable opinion of the group.

The results were split along party lines with eight in 10 Republicans — who are more likely to own a gun and oppose gun control — saying they approve of the NRA.

A slight majority of independents shared that positive opinion, while less than four in 10 Democrats had a favorable view of the group.

However, 61% of those polled said the NRA reflects their views only sometimes or never, including 49% of those with a gun in the household.

Read more at the Daily News.