National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry obviously used the N-word to describe Haitian immigrants during a Sunday interview on “The Megyn Kelly Show.” Of course, Lowry denied saying the slur even though he was literally caught on video and has gone viral for it.
In the clip, Kelly defends JD Vance after he confessed that he made up the story of Haitians eating pets in Springfield, Ohio for attention. Lowry also attempted to justify Vance’s actions and that’s when he used the racist slur.
“You remember alternative facts with Kellyanne? They did the same thing. She wasn’t saying you make up fictions and pretend they’re facts. You bring other facts to bear in the debate that are being ignored,” Lowry said.
“That’s what [Vance] was saying. I think it was in that interview where Dana Bash says, ‘Police have gone through 11 months of recordings of calls and they’ve only found two Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian…”
That’s when Lowry used the N-word to describe them, but tried to replace it with the word “migrants.” On X, his colleague and Fox News contributor Andrew McCarthy stated that it was an obvious mispronunciation mistake on Lowry’s part and it’s not a big deal.
“Yep, this is exactly what happened—I began to mispronounce the word ‘migrants’ and caught myself halfway through,” Lowry agreed on X.
Many folks called out Lowry, including comedian and host W. Kamau Bell who replied: “Nah. You know exactly what you did. You misspoke. You didn’t mispronounce. We just got a window into who you really are. Because since when does “migrant” start w/ an ‘n’?”
Actor Wendell Pierce added: “The vowel sound wasn’t the issue. It’s that ‘N’ that was the problem.” This is what the Republican Party has come to embody under Trump’s leadership: unapologetic racism without a morsel of regret.
Lowry has made that crystal clear.