'Mad Men' Asked to Eliminate 6 Regular Cast Members?

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The blogosphere is buzzing with news that fan favorite Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner may be cutting six regular cast members in order to save money. You may have read about the show's ongoing "negotiations" with current stars and that there will not be another season of Mad Men for another nine months. The chatter about six regular characters being cut from the show is true, but it may actually happen over the course of three seasons.

Nina Shen Rastogi of our partner site Slate.com clarifies what "regular cast member" means. It can be an actor who appears on a few episodes of the show and delivers only a few lines, yet is signed to a yearlong contract.

Let's hope this is the case, because cutting any of the lead and recurring characters like Don, Betty, Peggy, Roger and Joan would be a huge mistake. We're still miffed at having to wait another nine months for a new season. Hopefully Mad Men will deliver, unlike other fantastic shows that were ruined by long hiatuses and contract negotiations. The Sopranos, anyone? We're mad about Mad Men, but even madder about what the production process can do to a fantastic show and its fans.


Read more at Slate.com.

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