As the right continues their attack on education, Louisiana Republican Party officials want lawmakers to stop colleges from teaching racism in its curriculum. According to NOLA.com, the GOP is asserting that the “inglorious aspects” of American history are too divisive to teach.
In addition, Republican leaders also want to get rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion departments “within any institution of higher learning within the state.” The US Census Bureau has reported that a third of Louisiana residents are Black, according to the US Census Bureau.
In a resolution passed Saturday, the GOP asserted—without any proof—that these programs often have generous budgets and caused incendiary political tensions on campuses. It also criticized Louisiana State University and University of Louisiana System programs, run by Claire Norris, for giving resources to DEI initiatives.
University of Louisiana System President Jim Henderson told Insider in a statement that the GOP resolution was “so foreign to the reality at our institutions it defies comment. In addition, he stated: “We make no statement on the inner workings and platform development of political parties. That is their business.
“That said, the naming of an invaluable member of my staff is unnecessary and inappropriate. She is an exemplary professional and an asset to Louisiana and higher education.” State party officials encouraged the Legislature to follow the lead of other conservative states with their resolution by ridding classrooms of curriculum and books pertaining to racism and LGBTQ+ themes.
This measure is similar to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ attack on critical race theory from being taught on college campuses. Republicans insist that teaching American history accurately reinforces white guilt when all it does is educate students on the fact this country was built on the backs of Black people. Erasing it from lessons plans will never change the fact that it happened.