A California massage therapist is facing charges that he sexually assaulted one of his clients, the Los Angeles Times reports.
Daniel Holbert, 48, was arrested earlier this week without incident at G Train Fitness Gym in North Hollywood and charged with one felony count of sexual penetration by false representation. According to the report, Holbert was not an employee of the gym but conducted massage sessions there. Investigators are now hoping to talk to any other clients as a precaution.
“We don’t have any specific reason to believe there are additional victims, but he worked as a massage therapist for a long time,” Police Sgt. Brian Hudson told the Times. “Our concern is that there may be additional victims that have never come forward.”
According to the report, the unnamed female victim, in her 30s, said that she met Holbert at the gym and got several massages from him. However, after multiple treatments, Holbert then suggested that they have future sessions at either his or her residence for more privacy. The woman said that she consented to the plan because Holbert had behaved appropriately up until that point.
The woman said that when Holbert came to her home in Santa Clarita on March 12 for an appointment, he sexually assaulted her.
“The act was done as if it was part of the treatment of the massage she was getting,” Hudson said.
Read more at the Los Angeles Times.