Loretta Lynch Asks to Be Withdrawn From Supreme Court Consideration

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Attorney General Loretta Lynch has asked the White House to withdraw her name for consideration regarding the open Supreme Court seat, according to a spokesperson from the Department of Justice Tuesday. 

The seat has been open since Associate Justice Antonin Scalia’s sudden death in mid-February.

“As the conversation around the Supreme Court vacancy progressed, the Attorney General determined that the limitations inherent in the nomination process would curtail her effectiveness in her current role. Given the urgent issues before the Department of Justice, she asked not to be considered for the position,” Justice Department spokeswoman Melanie Newman said in a statement reported by Politico.


“While [Lynch] is deeply grateful for the support and good wishes of all those who suggested her as a potential nominee, she is honored to serve as Attorney General, and she is fully committed to carrying out the work of the Department of Justice for the remainder of her term,” Newman continued in the statement.


There is speculation that Lynch did not want a long, drawn-out confirmation battle, which is almost assured given that congressional Republicans have said that they will not confirm any nominee put forth by the president—but especially one who might tip the court to the “left.”


For her current position as the government’s top cop, the Senate took more than six months to confirm her.

Read more at Politico.