Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, aka America’s most sinister church bake-goods saleswoman, used her email occasionally for government business and hasn’t saved the messages, according to an internal investigation released Monday.
The Associated Press reports:
The agency’s Office of Inspector General, which was investigating at the request of House Democrats, said it searched the department’s email system and found a “limited” number of messages to or from DeVos’ personal accounts. In total, it said there were “fewer than 100" emails linked to four personal accounts.
Most of the emails were from the first six months of 2017, soon after DeVos took office, and most were from a single person, the inquiry found. The person, who was not identified in the report, was writing to recommend candidates for agency jobs. Other emails were from people who congratulated DeVos on her confirmation or offered other job advice.
Investigators found at least six emails sent by DeVos on private accounts, and at least five that concerned official agency business. The inquiry concluded that while DeVos used her personal email account for official government business, the was no evidence of “active or extensive” use of DeVos’ personal accounts, AP reports.
Investigators were told by the secretary’s office that “additional steps to identify and preserve” emails in DeVos’ personal accounts were being taken.
As we’ve seen with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, department rules forbid employees from using personal emails for government business except in rare circumstances when they are unable to use their work account. So let’s say that DeVos was being chased by a liberal grizzly bear and she was wearing an Apple Watch linked to her personal email. In this case, DeVos would be allowed to fire off a government business-related email.
Since being gifted her position, DeVos has done little to no work so it would be surprising that DeVos couldn’t access her work email account. Employees are also required to forward any emails on their personal email account pertaining to official business within 20 days, but investigators found that DeVos failed to do this. This might be because forwarding emails is a bit difficult when you are busy taking money and opportunities away from underprivileged children.
“We did not identify any instances where the secretary forwarded emails from her personal accounts to her department email accounts,” the report said. It added that “the secretary’s emails related to government business were not always being properly preserved,” AP reports.
President Donald Trump often led a rally cry to lock up his lifetime rival Hillary Clinton after finding that she’d used her private email while she was secretary of state. I don’t think that DeVos’ use of private email for work business carries a lengthy prison sentence but being a deplorable person who is actively working to tear down the civil rights of non-white students does.
I’m fine with Betsy DeVos going to jail.
Managing Editor Genetta Adams: Stephen, you can’t just send her to jail because you don’t like her.
SC: Lock her up! Lock her up!