Little Marco Rubio Goes In for the Hug, and Ivanka Trump Isn’t Here for It

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They were supposed to be meeting to work on a bill about paid family leave; good thing they were both acting like kids.

Republican Florida Sen. Little Marco Rubio and Ivanka “Lil’ Trumpet” Trump met at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday morning. See, Lil’ Trumpet is big on being an advocate for white children and mothers, and Little Marco is the co-sponsor of a bill currently in the Senate that would give families a tax credit of $2,500 per child.

That was why they were meeting, but none of that was the story. When the two greeted each other, for some reason unbeknownst to anyone, including Lil’ Trumpet’s security, Little Marco went in for a hug, and Ivanka Trump’s face was priceless.


Lil’ Trumpet doesn’t fuck with Little Marco, so it’s unclear why he didn’t treat her like a professional and shake her hand, as he would have Papa Bannon or any other male working in Ivanka’s position.


Whatever, the photo is hilarious and shows how tiny Little Marco actually is. And you know the internet has jokes.
