Over the weekend, speculation rose on Twitter after a cryptic tweet was posted to an account allegedly belonging to Lisa Bonet. The tweet read, "According to the karma of past actions, one's destiny unfolds, even though everyone wants to be so lucky. Nothing stays in the dark 4ever!"
After the tweet was posted, people on the social network assumed this was a cryptic tweet from Bonet about Bill Cosby, but according to People magazine, her rep stated that it was a fake account. "Lisa Bonet has no social media of any kind. Any posts made in her name were made by impersonators with unverified accounts. She also has no comment on the ongoing story," the rep told People. After others online reported the fake account, it was soon suspended.
From 1989 to 1992, Bonet played Cosby's daughter Denise on The Cosby Show, which led to her spinoff show, A Different World. So far, Raven-Symoné has been the only person from The Cosby Show to speak out about Cosby’s allegations, and that was to deny being one of his alleged victims. She wrote on her Instagram, "I was NOT taking (sic) advantage of by Mr. Cosby when I was on the ‘Cosby Show’! I was practically a baby on that show and this is truly a disgusting rumor that I want no part of! Everyone on that show treated me with nothing but kindness. Now keep me out of this!"