Easter eggs, bunnies and … handcuffs? Seven-year-old Joseph Anderson was arrested after throwing a tantrum over an Easter egg in a Queens elementary school classroom. The special education student became upset when he didn't like the color egg he painted. The administration claims that they could not subdue the child, so they called in the NYPD. Lawsuit, anyone?
A Muslim parent's worst nightmare: Turkish beauty Silah Sahin outraged her family when she decided to pose nude for German Playboy. "I did it because I wanted to be free at last," says Sahin. The 25-year-old actress has been disowned by her mother, and her family has cut off all contact.
Hudson River saga continues: Family members of Lashanda Armstrong, the woman who drove herself and her three kids into the Hudson River, are infuriated with the children's father's plans to bury the kids separately from their mother. "She should be buried with her children, regardless of what she did," says Armstrong's aunt.
Barry Bonds 101: We can learn a lot more than just baseball from heavy hitter Barry Bonds. The legendary baseball player's conviction turned out to be the perfect lesson about what not to do when it comes to salvaging your career and reputation.
In other news: Juveniles Facing Life for Murder Are Fighting for Parole.
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