After South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham advised president Donald Trump’s son not to comply with a congressional subpoena and to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights if he does agree to testify, #LindseyGrahamResign began trending on Twitter on Tuesday.
On Monday, Graham, also known as Trump’s favorite pair of Hanes, told a group of reporters that Donald Trump Jr. shouldn’t answer questions posed by the Senate Intelligence Committee.
“You just show up and plead the Fifth and it’s over with,” said the Republican senator, according to the New York Times. And because Graham wasn’t done entertaining his audience of one, he added that Trump Jr.’s lawyer would “have to be an idiot” if he let the president’s oldest, and arguably dumbest, son testify.
According to The Slate, “Trump Jr. was subpoenaed as part of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian election interference. The president’s namesake backed out of two scheduled interviews ahead of time, leading to the subpoena.”
On Sunday, Graham told Fox Business that Trump Jr. should ignore the subpoena.
“If I were Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer, I would tell him he doesn’t need to go back into this environment anymore,” Graham said. “You’ve been here for hours and hours and hours. ...I’d call it a day.”
At this point, Trump must be holding a file on Graham as long as a giraffe’s neck because the South Carolina senator just can’t stop bending over backwards while holding the president’s castanets.
The Slate notes that shortly after Graham’s treasonous comments, “Super PAC The Democratic Coalition began tweeting the hashtag #LindseyGrahamResign” and by Tuesday morning, the phrase began trending on social media, garnering about 52,800 tweets.
Lindsey Graham isn’t going to resign but it’s still a fun hashtag. In fact, expect Graham to continue to double down on his unbridled love for the president, because that’s the only way he can keep whatever the president is holding against him safe.