We're not going to get all snarky over this apology just because we can't figure out why Lil Wayne didn't know better in the first place. And we are not going to scoff at his statement about how his ultimate goal is to "uplift rather than degrade our community" (OK, maybe just a teeny little bit).
Better late than never, the rapper has said he's sorry for his "Beat the p—sy up like Emmett Till" line on Future's "Karate Chop," which anyone with the tiniest shred of respect for African-American history specifically or human suffering generally might have anticipated would rub a few people the wrong way. From MTV:
… Lil Wayne has finally apologized to the family of Emmett Till over an insensitive lyric in which he name drops the teen, killed in 1955 for whistling at a white woman. Weezy's atonement attempt comes on the heels of the family announcing plans to urge Mountain Dew to fire the New Orleans native from his endorsement deal.
In a letter obtained by Hot 97, Wayne sympathized with the family. "It has come to my attention that lyrics from my contribution to a fellow artist’s song has deeply offended your family. As a father myself, I cannot imagine the pain that your family has had to endure. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge your hurt, as well as the letter you sent to me via your attorneys," the apology reads …
Closing out the correspondence, the 30-year-old noted his "tremendous respect for those who paved the way for the liberty and opportunities that African-Americans currently enjoy," asserting that his ultimate goal is to "uplift rather than degrade our community."
Live and learn? Rap and repent? Either way, we hope the apology (obviously written by someone other than Lil Wayne) was well-received by the family. And that no one holds their breath for future lyrics bursting with "tremendous respect" for Till or anyone else.
Read more at MTV.