In case you haven’t heard: It’s Banned Books Week, y’all! And one such outspoken advocate for “reading the books they don’t want you to” is America’s favorite literary bastion, LeVar Burton. The Reading Rainbow and Star Trek star has been vocal all week, encouraging folks online and offline to get their heads out the clouds and into some books, specifically ones that have found themselves to be on banned book lists all throughout the country.
Given his affinity towards reading and education, it’s no wonder why Burton was both confused and a bit taken aback when he saw headlines popping up explaining that Kanye West, one of society’s most influential figures, doesn’t read books. Like, any books. As in, at all.
“I actually haven’t read any book,” said West, as previously reported by The Root. “Reading is like eating Brussels sprouts for me and talking is like getting the Giorgio Baldi corn ravioli.” Hmm. Weird flex, but OK.
In response to Ye’s admission, Burton took to Twitter to express his sentiments over the matter:
“Hmmm… I’m going have to take Mr. West at his word,” Burton tweeted. “I hope however, that he shares a different message with the children enrolled in the school he’s founded named after his mother, who was an professor of English. I’m fairly certain she read a book or two.”
DAMN. LeVar Burton really had to get on Blue Ivy’s internet and remind Yeezy that reading books—and the significance of doing so—should matter. This is a man who is running a school, mind you, where reading is definitely one of three main subjects those institutions revolve around (you know: reading, writing, and arithmetic.) I can’t believe Ye got politely read for filth like this in front of the whole world at his big age, but I suppose if I wanted anyone to do it, it would be LeVar Burton. After all, reading is fun(damental)! He of all people would know that.
R-E-A-D-A-B-O-O-K, Kanye. OK?