With the 2024 Root 100 Gala fastly approaching many of those in attendance for the annual event will be no doubt finalizing their last looks in order to strut their stuff when Thursday, Dec. 5 rolls around. And why wouldn’t they?
Not only is the night dedicated to celebrating and highlighting the year’s most influential Black Americans, it’s also being held at the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem—so you already know you have to come dressed to impress!
But if you’re a bit unsure on which direction you want to go: let these stylish celebs be your guide. Whether that means donning a classic tweed suit like Root 100 honoree Colman Domingo in our lead image above or a more sleek look akin to Damson Idris—don’t worry, we got you. And ladies, we’re looking out for you, too. Whether you want to shut it down like Zendaya or be as refined as Root 100 honoree Issa Rae—these looks are sure to help put you on the right path.
So let’s get into it! See you all soon!