By now, you know that my Cleveland Cavaliers took an "L" to the Orlando Magic a few weeks back, and instead of doing the customary congratulating of the victor, the Cavalier's Lebron James made a beeline for the team bus. When asked for an explaination later, he said he wasn't sure why it makes sense to congratulate the other team for beating you in a game.
OK. We talked about this on The Barbershop.
To my way of thinking, this kind of thing lets you know why young black men need fathers in thier lives. Lebron James was clearly a young man raised without a father, because otherwise he'd know better. Whatever the rules of the game say, the manly thing to do is to give your opponent props for a battle well-fought. There's nothing more beta male than a bad loser. That idea was lost on James, so he lost 25k in fines to the NBA. David Stern, after first thinking he would give him a pass, decided to stick it to him, and the Commish got that call right. James' youth was showing, and he needs a reminder that he's not on the playground anymore.
What do you think? Should Lebron James have been fined?
Single Father, Author, Screenwriter, Award-Winning Journalist, NPR Moderator, Lecturer and College Professor. Habitual Line-Stepper