Leaked Alternate Walking Dead Ending Shows Maggie Getting Killed

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Many people across the country are suffering from "post-traumatic Walking Dead syndrome," after Sunday night's brutal and bloody season premiere. Even with the advisory that aired before the show, and after each commercial break, many people felt that the violence was just too much to take. But there were, of course, those die-hard fans, like myself, who relished it.

We all know by now that Abraham and Glenn were the two characters who had the unfortunate fate of coming face-to-face with Negan's spiked bat, Lucille. Most people didn't see two deaths coming, but the series stayed in line with the comic by killing off Glenn. And now, days later, leaked footage shows that Maggie's death had also been filmed.


Something tells me that as a way to throw off any early leaked storylines, every member of Rick's crew got a taste of Negan's bat.