Lawsuits Challenge Defense of Marriage Act

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According to the Associated Press, gay civil rights groups trying to build momentum for a possible Supreme Court showdown filed two lawsuits Tuesday that seek to strike down portions of a 1996 law that denies married gay couples federal benefits. The lawsuits, which were filed in federal courts in Connecticut and New York, come just months after a federal judge in Boston struck down a key component of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The legal actions seek judicial declarations that the law enacted by Congress in 1996, when it appeared Hawaii would soon legalize same-sex marriage, was unconstitutional because it prevents the federal government from affording pension and other benefits to same-sex couples. Since 2004, five states — Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts — and the District of Columbia have legalized gay marriage.

Are we still minding other people's business? Those in glass houses should not cast stones, and given the divorce rate in this country, very few of us — especially lawmakers — are in a position to espouse the virtues of marriage. The rate of divorce in this country demonstrates just how sacred marriage is in our culture: It isn't.

Read more at the Associated Press.