It was allergy season and God couldn’t find a tissue. Finally, he walked into a parking lot and blew his nose onto the punishing asphalt and thus Florida was born.
On Tuesday, Satan’s favorite governor, Ron DeSantis introduced a new surgeon general and he’s a Harvard-trained doctor who believes that people’s rights are more important than science.
From the Miami Herald:
Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a UCLA researcher who expressed skepticism that vaccines could help end the pandemic, said Tuesday that he would “reject fear” as a public health strategy.
“Florida will completely reject fear as a way of making policies,” Ladapo said. “That’s been something that’s been, unfortunately, a centerpiece of health policies.”
As surgeon general, Ladapo will oversee the state’s Department of Health, Florida’s lead agency on combating the coronavirus pandemic. He replaces Dr. Scott Rivkees, a pediatrician whose last day was Monday.
Ladapo has penned DeSantis-inspired op-eds for publications like the Wall Street Journal, claiming that vaccine mandates won’t stop COVID.
Ladapo claims that the fears surrounding the vaccine have been driven by a “climate of mistrust.”
“That was a direct result of scientists, my colleagues, some of them, taking the science and basically misrepresenting it to fit their agendas,” Ladapo said. “This idea that people don’t get to make their own decisions on issues of health is wrong and it’s not something that we’re going to be about.”
So should Florida be promoting vaccines?
“The state should be promoting good health, and vaccination isn’t the only path for that,” Ladapo said. “It’s been treated almost like a religion, and that’s just senseless,” the Miami Herald reports.
Or what could possibly keep people from contracting the virus and potentially dying—but who am I to argue with a doctor?
Ladapo claimed that the nation should be promoting measures for good health, like: “vaccination, losing weight, exercising more [and] eating more fruits and vegetables,” which is the equivalent of saying that if a pitbull is chasing you, you should “run but also practice yoga, mediation.” While yoga and meditation are nice practices, they aren’t going to keep you safe from that pitbull.
DeSantis said the state was getting a doctor who will tell the truth about the science behind the pandemic.
“Telling the truth is important, and I think that’s what Dr. Ladapo understands,” he said. “You’ve got to tell people the truth, and you’ve got to let them make decisions.”
DeSantis isn’t going to be happy until he brings back scurvy.
I’m ready to put a full mask around Florida.