Kwanzaa Is Wack

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In a blog entry at News One, Adisa Banjoko questions the credibility of Kwanzaa as a holiday for African Americans. He describes it as an unauthentic holiday, not only because it was created by an FBI informant but because it is not steeped in African traditions.

… But the reality is that Kwanzaa was created by an FBI informant named Dr. Maulana Karenga. Straight up! That’s an actual fact. Beyond that, stuff like corn that is used in a lot of the rituals is not even native to Africa. A friend of mine noted “it’s truly corny.”

Now hold on. I did participate in a few Kwanzaa events  back when ’89 was the number. I always tried to do observe it. But once I did the history on its founder and some of the deeper elements of its hollow cultural base, it was hard to continue on. For those who do, I promise I’m not mad at you. Not that you would care. But you can’t get your kente cloth all in a bunch because I’m not feeling it.


Look, I love Africa and what it means to be Black. I love almost everything African (aside from the tribal fighting and the needless murder and rape of women across the continent). But Kwanzaa is not African. I never knew an African (from any part of the continent) who was like “Yo Adisa, bro you wanna slide thought to the Kwanzaa fest playa?” It has never happened! They don’t get down like that.


Kwanzaa is like a bad weave. People might kinda like it, but we all know it ain’t real …


Read Adisa Banjoko's entire blog entry at News One.