Kwame Kilpatrick can't seem to avoid the court room. Thankfully he gets their in a nice car coming from a really nice house
Stripped of his job as Detroit's mayor, locked in jail for 99 days and saddled with a felony record, he is legally prohibited from seeking the only occupation he ever wanted — elected leader. And his troubles keep coming. He may be called before a judge again for failing to make court-ordered restitution.
But if the 39-year-old Kilpatrick is a ruined man, he doesn't seem to have noticed. When he returns to Detroit for court appearances, he travels from his rented mansion outside Dallas, where he and his wife drive luxury vehicles and spend money on golf, restaurants, nail treatments and other amenities, according to government prosecutors.
His lawyer's explanation: For him to earn and pay his debt to society — $1 million in restitution to Detroit — Kilpatrick has to maintain a certain lifestyle to woo clients in his new job as a software salesman.
So far, Kilpatrick has fashioned a remarkable second act in the life of a disgraced official. It demonstrates that the talents that helped make him mayor — charm, a confidence bordering on arrogance, and the ability to inspire loyalty among friends and affluent supporters — haven't failed him.
"When history records him, he will be considered, in spite of whatever mistakes he made, a great mayor," said community activist Malik Shabazz, who is among the Detroit admirers who stand by him.
Uhhh…"great mayor" seems…strong.